How do I perform a clean install of my Nvidia drivers?

Last Update: 2015/10/28

Occasionally, a corrupt graphics driver install can cause graphics related issues with your system. The first troubleshooting step to take would usually be to perform a clean install of your drivers. This tends to resolve issues that installing otherwise may not.

This guide may also be used to install your Nvidia drivers.


To start, visit the EVGA download center at https://www.evga.com/support/download/default.aspx


Once there, select the family of your graphics card. Make sure you are selecting the correct series.

For example, if you have a GTX 980, 970, 960, you would select the 900 series family.

If you have a 9800, 9600, 9500, you would instead select the 9 series family.

Next choose your operating system.

Download the latest driver. Using the Beta drivers is typically not recommended. Make sure you are downloading the file with Driver listed under Type.


After you have finished downloading the file and have ran it, you will be prompted to specify where to extract the files to. You may specify if different location if you prefer.

Otherwise, the default file path is okay to use and you can click OK.

Once the extraction is complete, it should automatically run your driver install. Let the compaitibility check complete, then click AGREE AND CONTINUE in the next screen.


If you are experiencing graphics related issues with your system that you needed to reinstall your drivers for, click Custom (Advanced) then next.

Otherwise, if you simply needed to install or update your driver, use the Express (Recommended) option and skip the next step.

From here, check the box next to Perform a clean installation. If you are having issues with your system, it is typically recommended to uncheck all the components with the exception of the graphics driver.

The next window will provide the status of the install.

In this last screen, you will have different options depending on what you chose to install. Once done choosing the options here, click CLOSE and your driver install will be complete. If you are not sure about which options to choose, the default options are fine.


59581 driver clean install