To further support users in their goal of a powerful SILENT PC, the fans on the ACX 2.0 do not turn on until the unit is over 60C. This is well within the safe limits of the GPU, but this ensures when you are reading email or watching TV on your computer, you do not have to listen to the fan on the graphics card when the graphics card is not doing anything.


Fan Blade Quality

  • 11 fan blades increase CFM
  • Swept Fan Design to Reduce Fan Noise Level
  • Low Profile

Fan Motor Quality

  • Improved magnets allow for 150RPM max increase
  • 3 Phase / 6 Slot Design Improves Efficiency
  • Increased Silicon Steel increases magnet strength


ACX 2.0 Performance at Fixed Acoustic (36dB)

  ACX 2.0 ACX Competitor 3 Fan Reference Result
Fan RPM 2000 2300 2900 2550 ACX 2.0 Lowest RPM!
Power Consumption (W) 0.92W 2.05W 2.66W 1.45W ACX 2.0 Lowest Power!
GPU Temperature 64C 66C 68C 87C ACX 2.0 Lowest GPU Temperature!

ACX 2.0 Performance at Fixed Acoustic (47dB)

  ACX 2.0 ACX Competitor 3 Fan Reference Result
Fan RPM 2900 3300 4200 3800 ACX 2.0 Lowest RPM!
Power Consumption (W) 2.65W 6.10W 9.60W 3.95W ACX 2.0 Lowest Power!
GPU Temperature 58C 58C 62C 68C ACX 2.0 Lowest GPU Temperature!

In fact, did you know that the power consumption of a fan can directly affect your overclocking ability? Modern NVIDIA graphics cards have a maximum power ceiling that takes into account the fan power consumption, meaning the lower the power consumption from the fan, the more power available for the GPU! Triple fan coolers from competitors increase power consumption, thereby lowering your maximum overclocking headroom. When it comes to graphics cards cooling, less is more!


The ACX 2.0 cooler can be found on the following models:

EVGA GeForce GTX 980 ACX 2.0







FTW (Coming Soon)


EVGA GeForce GTX 970 ACX 2.0











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