Our system shows that you came to this page via the Associate Code: 17F66D9OOIGWSFK. If this is incorrect, you may change the Associate Code during the checkout process.
Welcome to the EVGA Associates Program!
The EVGA Associates Program offers a simple way for EVGA ELITE Members to allow others to purchase an EVGA product with a discount on EVGA.com – and lets you earn a percentage of the purchase back in EVGA Bucks!
First, share your Associate Code with someone interested in purchasing an EVGA product. You can also learn how to add your Associate Code to a product on the EVGA store here. Next, once they get to EVGA.com, they will need to make a purchase from one of the Product Types listed on the Dashboard. Finally, the buyer must use your Associate Code during checkout to receive the discount.
After purchase, you will receive a percentage of the net purchase back as EVGA Bucks. EVGA Bucks acquired through the Associates Program require a 30 (thirty) day waiting period before being deposited in your account, subject to EVGA's Store Terms and the Associates Program Terms and Conditions.
If you came here via an Associate Code, a cookie has been created with the code. You can now shop normally and when reaching the checkout page, the Associate Code should automatically be applied.
If the code does not automatically apply, you may have cookies disabled. You may manually enter the Associate Code and apply it to your order.
NOTE: Please ensure that the Associate Code is filled in before completing checkout. Otherwise, you and the Associates Member will not receive the bonuses.