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Searching P4 AGP Pro Compatible Video Card? - EVGA is your answer

With the release of any new technology, there is a period of confusion while good information is sorted out and disseminated throughout the effected community. In the case of the Pentium 4, it is no different.

Intel has released the Pentium 4 and is aggressively pursuing the market with it - leading to more and more systems being specified with a Pentium 4 processor. But, one of the biggest points of confusion comes from the fact that the new motherboards for the Pentium 4 have one curious line in their technical specs:

AGP 4X 1.5V Connector

(this is taken from Intel's specs for their D850GB motherboard)

Suddenly, everyone that wants to assemble Pentium 4 systems need to get 1.5V AGP video cards!

Not to worry! This isn't as bad as it sounds. All that Intel is saying here is that their motherboard requires an AGP 2.0 video card. Allow me to explain:

AGP was initially released at spec 1.0 - and this spec called for a 3.3V card with a maximum transfer rate of 2X AGP. Later, as AGP improved, a newer spec was defined, spec 2.0 that calls for 1.5V cards with a maximum transfer rate of 4X AGP.

The Intel D850GB motherboard is calling for an AGP 2.0 video card (AGP 4X 1.5V). Fortunately for everyone, this spec has been around for quite some time, and almost every single AGP card meets the 2.0 spec!

So, don't worry over the video card choice, with cards you have the freedom to choose.

Note: Only the Vanta LT series cards from do not comply with the AGP 2.0 Spec.

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