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In 56 out of 67 tests performed by The Inquirer, EVGA e-GeForce 7900 GTX is winning over X1900XTX ...


"EVGA card is definitely fast and it will be among the fastest among 7900 GTX cards ..."

"If you prefer Nvidia you go ahead and buy EVGA Geforce 7900 GTX Superclocked, 512MB ..."

"EVGA card will win in Doom 3. It will be up to 30 frames faster ..."

"7900 GTX wins at Quake 4 and can run up to 20 frames faster ..."

"EVGA 7900 GTX owns the FEAR scores. It is significantly faster in every single case. It can get up to 20 frames faster ..."


Read the full review.

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Article Viewed: 10145 times since 4/10/2006