
Capacitors are one of the most important items on your motherboard - and it has a lot of them. They are used to filter the power supply lines (the +12, -12, +5, -5, +5VSB, and +3.3 lines) to keep noise down and they are also used by the motherboard's switching regulators that provide the power given to the CPU.

Since the capacitors are in one way or another responsible for powering every single item on, or attached, to your motherboard, it makes sense to use the best ones possible.

The EVGA 115-K8-NF31-AX uses Polymer Based capacitors rather than the cheaper and more popular Electrolytic Based capacitors. This means that on our capacitors, the Mean-Time-Between-Failures is greater than 10 years - while Electrolytic capacitors tend to begin failing after only about 2 years. Ours are also rated at 105 degrees C rather than the standard 85 degrees. This means that they make less heat and can withstand more, keeping even the hottest of motherboards stable.