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20% off vReveal

20% off vReveal's Video Enhancement Application

All registered 9800GTX and above graphics cards (see list below) will have the eligibility to download a coupon good at for 20% off of the full retail copy of vReveal! With these powerful graphics cards, you can process your videos up to 5x faster than a CPU. You can also try it before you buy it! Download the free 30 day trial to give a full test drive of this amazing software.
With vReveal, video enhancement software for Windows, you can dramatically improve the quality of your videos with just one click. The unrivaled enhancement technology powering vReveal works wonders with videos that are dark, shaky, noisy, pixelated, or blurry. Plus, vReveal has been specially tuned to run up to five times faster on CUDA-enabled NVIDIA graphics processors.

Video examples:



vReveal makes it easy to fix many of the problems that afflict videos captured from cell phones, digital still cameras, and other handheld devices. With its advanced video enhancement technology and the familiar touch-up tools of photo editing software, vReveal can stabilize, brighten, and sharpen less-than-perfect videos and is uniquely able to increase resolution and to remove noise artifacts like graininess and pixelation.
  • Quickly and easily enhance videos with �One Click Fix�
  • Super-resolution video enhancement technology adapted from MotionDSP�s CSI-style forensic software used by law enforcement and intelligence agencies
  • Process video enhancements up to 5x faster with a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA graphics processor
  • Capture print-quality still images from enhanced videos
  • Rotate sideways videos
  • Trim each video to its best moment
  • Automatically locate all the videos on your PC and manage them from a single gallery
  • Easily share enhanced videos to YouTube

Close up examples of vReveal at work:


Cards Eligible for 20% coupon:

NVIDIA Speak Visual NVIDIA Speak Visual NVIDIA Speak Visual
NVIDIA Speak Visual
NVIDIA Speak Visual

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Article Viewed: 48352 times since 3/24/2009