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Why Do We Need Serial Numbers?

Dear Customers,

Since we started requiring serial numbers and registration for all of our support services (Tech Support, Syscan, RMA, etc.) we have had a lot of questions about why we decided to make such a requirement.

First, I want everybody to understand that we do realize that this is an inconvenience - but its one that we think that you will agree is reasonable when seen in its full context.

More than anything else,'s Technical Department prides itself on maintaining high levels of customer support. One of the reasons that we can maintain such a high level of service is because we carefully plan for our support services and make sure that the resources that we need are in place when we need them.

A situation was developing that was quickly acting to derail our planning. Many people who had purchased cards from manufacturers other than were coming to us for support. Not just in our message forums, but through emails, phone calls, and driver downloads. This was flattering in a way - it told us that we were doing a better job than our competition. But, it was quickly becoming disastrous for our loyal customer base who both expects and deserves the high level of service that we provide.

So, in order to curtail this before our users truly began to feel the strain, we implemented the requirements for registration and serial numbers that you are all now aware of. Already this new policy is having great effect - our support requests have normalized at levels within our predicted ranges and we are once again achieving high levels of customer service and satisfaction.

I hope that you will all bear with us through this time of change. I am sorry that this was sprung so suddenly, but we had to do something quick and decisive in order to maintain proper support for our customers.

Thank you,

Keith Rochford
Chief Engineer, Corp.


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