PowerSpec 9420 with e-GeForceFX 5950U Garners Praise
HardwareCentral.com recently reviewed the PowerSpec 9420, powered by the EVGA.com e-GeForceFX 5950 Ultra, 256MB. Here's what they had to say:

"The fire-breathing CPU is teamed with VIA's K8T800 chipset, 1GB of DDR400 memory, and an even more fire-breathing, game-blasting 256MB Nvidia GeForce FX 5950 Ultra graphics card..."
They go on to highlight the e-GeForceFX 5950 Ultra in more detail:
"The EVGA.com GeForce FX 5950 Ultra card, a faithful copy of Nvidia's reference design, provides both analog VGA and digital DVI connectors plus a VIVO (video-in/video-out) port; there's a hydra-headed S-Video and composite in/out cable, along with a DVI-to-VGA adapter, in the box."
"...the GeForce FX 5950 Ultra is arguably the fastest 3D graphics accelerator now on the market, turning old benchmarks into invisible blurs (335 frames per second in Quake III Arena's High Quality 1,024 by 768 mode; 267 fps in an Unreal Tournament 2003 flyby at the same resolution) and topping all our previous test machines in newer, more demanding ones."
The PowerSpec 9420 garnered four stars overall, but its five star rating for speed can be attributed to the e-GeForceFX 5950 Ultra.

Read the rest of the review for a complete description: PowerSpec 9420 Review: Very Fast CPU, Ridiculously Fast Graphics
