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The cinematic computing revolution continues with the introduction of the most powerful members of the NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX family - the GeForce FX 5900 graphics processing units (GPUs). Architected for blazing speeds and delivering unmatched visual quality, the GeForce FX 5900 GPUs ignite PC gaming. Powered by the second-generation NVIDIA CineFX™ engine with the industry's only true 128-bit precision processing - the GeForce FX 5900 GPUs take cinematic quality special effects to new levels while providing the industry's most compatible and reliable gaming platform.

 • Wider memory data path with next generation controller technology for superior performance throughput.

 • Advanced pixel shaders deliver 2x the floating-point shader pixel performance of previous generations

 • Support for Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 (DX9) pixel shader 2.0+

 • Support for DX9 vertex shader 2.0+

 • Long pixel programs up to 1,024 instructions

 • Long vertex programs up to 256 static instructions with up to 65,536 instructions executed

 • Dynamic, conditional execution and flow control

 • Architected for Cg and Microsoft HLSL for maximum compatability for next-generation content

 • 128-bit, studio-quality, floating-point precision computation through the entire rendering pipeline

 • Native hardware support for 32 bpp, 64 bpp, and 128 bpp rendering modes

 • Up to 12 pixel shader operations per clock

 • Up to 16 texture shader operations per clock

 • Support for sRGB texture format for gamma textures

 • DirectX and S3TC texture compression

 • Optimized for 32-, 24-, 16-, 15-, and 8-bpp modes

 • True-color, 64x64 hardware cursor alpha

 • Multibuffering (double, triple or quad) for smooth animation and video playback.

 • Increased visual quality at higher resolutions through advances in compression, anistropic filtering, and antialiasing technology

 • Blistering-fast antialiasing and compression performance

 • Support for advanced lossless compression algorithms for both color, texture, and z data at even higher resoltuions and frame rates

 • Fast x-clear


 • Accelerates shadow volumes for next-generation games

 • Accurately maintains shadows while discarding non-useful information


 • Integrated NTSC/PAL TV encoder supporting resolutions up to 1024x768 without the need for panning with built-in Macrovision copy protection

 • DVD and HDTV-ready MPEG-2 decoding up to 1920x1080i resoltions

 • Dual, integrated 400 MHz RAMDACs for display resolutions up to and including 2048x1536@85 Hz

 • Dual DVO ports for interfacing to txternal TMDS transmitters

 • Internal TV support

 • VIP 1.1 interface support for Video In function

 • Microsoft Video Mixing Renderer (VMR) support for multiple video windows with full video quality and features in each window

 • DVC image sharpening controls

 • DVC color controls

 • AGP 8X including Fast-Writes and sideband addressing

 • 0.13-micron precess technology for higher levels of integration and higher operating clock speeds

 • Advanced thermal management and thermal monitoring

 • 40 mm x 40 mm, BGA 1309 flip-chip package

 • Microsoft Windows® XP

 • Windows ME

 • Windows 2000

 • Windows 9x

 • Comprehensive Microsoft DirectX 9.0 (and lower) support

 • OpenGL 1.4 (and lower) support

NVIDIA ENTERTAINMENT - Check out NVIDIA's entertainment links to get the latest news about the newest games for NVIDIA GPUs.

NVIDIA's GEFORCE FX 5900 PAGE - Get the latest specs and info on the hottest new GPU around directly from NVIDIA.

GEFORCE FX 5900 GAMES - See what games are coming out that take direct advantage of the 5900's processing power and speed.

GEFORCE FX 5900 VIDEOS - See what the GeForce FX 5900 can do with these hot videos from NVIDIA.

GEFORCE FX TECH BRIEFS - Ever wonder what High Precision Graphics or UltraShadow Technology really was? Check out these technical briefs from NVIDIA.

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