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Close Guessing Game Results

We would like to thank those who participated in last month's contest. Many participated in the contest to guess the average Customer Service/Technical Support call time and the average Customer Service/Technical Support hold time.

Many participants were guessing that the call times and hold times were long. In all actuality, Customer Service/Technical Support pride ourselves in maintaining an 8 minute average Call Time and 3 minute average Hold Time. We understand that our customer's time is valuable. Customer Service/Technical Support exceeded both these numbers. The average of the Call Time submissions is 11 minutes 23 seconds. The average of the Hold Time submissions is 3 minutes 23 seconds.

We are happy to exceed our customer's expectations in providing quality customer and technical support to our valued customers in a timely and efficient manner. We will continue to provide our customers with the support they deserve now and in the future.

Click here to view the contest winners!

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