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EVGA's Zombie Invasion Intel Chipsets

The Dead Walk Run Again

Starting March 15th, EVGA will host a two week long Left 4 Dead event! Play on any of our L4D or L4D2 servers, or both! Signup and participation is free and easy for any who wishes to participate. Official gaming will begin on March 15th at 4:00PM Pacific, and continue until March 31st at 11:59PM. Anyone that signs up and plays any length of time during those two weeks will be eligible to win a prize.

This is not a competition or tournament, merely a chance for regular gamers to come out and play your hearts out for some great gaming goods.

To qualify for this event, you just need to signup here with your Username and Steam ID. Just login and play during the two weeks, it's that easy! We hope you have fun and continue to make our wonderful gaming community as great as it has always been. Please visit the official EVGA Gaming site to the event to see the full list of servers



EGC Servers
  • EVGA GTX 275 CO-OP PhysX - $350 - tvanderbeek (Tobisan)
  • EVGA P55 FTW Motherboard - $229 - bi11y (8i11y)
  • EVGA P55 Motherboard - $200 - greenbox6 (greenbox6)
  • Intel Core i7 930 CPU - $299 - Mr_Spyder (Mr_Spyder)
  • Intel Core i7 920 CPU - $299 - pwner1 (DO_NOT_MICROWAVE)
  • Cooler Master Sniper Case - $150 - timobkg (Ragnar)
  • Cooler Master Sniper Case - $150 - tbiccochi (=EGC= tbiccochi)
  • Cooler Master Sniper Case - $150 - 1nc1n3rat0r (1nc1n3rat0r)
  • Cooler Master Sentinal Mouse - $70 - kykiee (KyKiee)
  • Cooler Master Sentinal Mouse - $70 - mjstod (ratb3rt)
  • Cooler Master Sentinal Mouse - $70 - mrdangerfield (thehorror)
  • Cooler Master Storm gaming pad - $16 - Havoc_ (H@v0c)
  • Cooler Master Storm gaming pad - $16 - brandon_b (Wonderbread)
  • Cooler Master Storm gaming pad - $16 - tmallory (Froggie)

All winners must email within 14 days of the prize announcement to claim a prize! Prizes will be announced here on April 7th by 12PM Pacific.

To connect to an EVGA server for the event make sure you have the developers console enabled in your options menu. Open the developers console (~) and type following command:

sv_search_key "EVGA"

After, proceed to make a lobby (invite your friends), and then connect to a "Best Available Dedicated" Server. The search key will take you to an avaliable EVGA event server.
**If you don’t know what your Steam ID is, just log into Left 4 Dead (1 or 2), and type “status” in the developers console (~). Make sure you have the console enabled in your options menu**
Intel Chipsets Intel Chipsets

© 2010 Intel Corporation. © 2010 Valve Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Article viewed: 41111 times since 3/1/2010