Design Your Perfect EVGA Themed Wallpaper
Now is the chance to show off your potential by designing an EVGA themed wallpaper! Not only do you have the chance to show off your skills to the entire EVGA community, but you have the chance to win some great prizes! All images in the contest will be listed on our Flickr page under "13th Anniversary Wallpapers". Be sure to comment on the ones you like!
Your wallpaper must be themed around EVGA and GeForce GTX. Please feel free to download a high-resolution EVGA and NVIDIA logo for your entry.
Event Prizes Sponsored By NVIDIA®
1st runner-up: Acer 10" A510-10K32U Tegra Tablet - $420 - Bombdig

2nd runner-up: EVGA GTX 670 02G-P4-2670-KR - $400 - PradeepkNayak

3rd runner-up: Acer 7" A100-07U08U Tegra Tablet - $260 - Tooborg

- Acer 7" A100-07U08U Tegra Tablet - $260 - vadgai
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - ricardoc
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - ARomanA
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - BDoener
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - WillCS
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - energyforce
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - Maniksam
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - Criscell
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - cobaltsmith
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - sam003573
- EVGA Gaming Mousepad E00B-00-000006 - $15 - XanderF
Random Winners
All winners must email webmaster@evga.com by 9/3/12 to claim their prize.
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